Staying Active and Being Sun Smart this Summer


The good ol’ adage ‘Suns Out Guns Out’ is among us as the weather starts to get warmer.  This time of year is generally when we see an increase in injuries as people tend to increase their physical activity.  

Whether you are training for your next marathon, enjoying walks along the beach or simply getting out in the garden more often, we want to make sure you are being sun smart at the same time.  

Tips & tricks to exercising safely this summer: 

  • Warming up properly  

  • Participating in active recovery (e.g. foam rolling, walking, cold plunges & saunas) 

  • Exercising early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid high UV levels 

  • Fuelling your body with nutritious foods 

  • Wearing protective clothing whilst in the sun (e.g. hats, sunglasses & loose long sleeved shirts) 

  • Ensuring proper water intake  

  • Ensuring proper footwear 

  • Applying sunscreen 15-30 minutes prior to going out in the sun… and re-applying often!  

  • Last but not least, have fun!


Photo by Unsplash