Lower Back and Surfing


Lower back pain is something that has plagued surfers for a long time. You are lying on a constantly moving and tipping object, in the water, which is moving, you are moving (paddling and kicking) and you need to have the ability to look around as the environment can change in an instant!


With those short summer windows of NW and NE winds coming to a close to make way for the nearly all-day favourable conditions in autumn, to maximise your time in the water you need to have good endurance in these positions.


Contrary to what people seem to think, the lumbar spine (lower back) is BUILT for extension! Its facet joints are lined up to allow you to move in this position. The thoracic spine (mid back) is typically more resistant to extension based on its structure, but improving mobility of this area can unlock great opportunities to improve paddling efficiency. But wait, it’s not just getting good at up-dog. It’s about being able to extend, but also being able to side-bend and rotate to deal with your rocking board, your arms moving whilst paddling or even (heaven forbid) a cheeky few kicks before you drop in.


The joints are not where we stop. It’s also about the ability to have the tissue extensibility in anterior musculature (think abdominals, hip flexors, even some of the quadriceps group!) to allow you to go into these extended positions comfortably. It’s also about being able to go from a hyperextended position (paddling) to a flexed position (dropping in) and to do it rapidly. It’s not just the motion, it is building integrity in the motion you have.


So whether it’s paddling endurance, getting used to a lower volume board, looking out the back to see the next set coming or getting your chest up before you take the drop – the below exercise is a good first step to develop tolerance in these positions.


This video demonstrates how to perform an elevated hip flexor stretch. Learn how to stretch different fibres to really encourage a deep stretch.



If you have lower back pain and are surfing, or these movements are unusually difficult or painful, an individualised treatment approach would be for you. If this is the case, please call us on (03) 5244 0063 and book an appointment with our team.