Different treatments, but all OSTEOPATHY

osteopath treatment geelong

Have you ever wondered why treatments with different osteopaths can look and feel quite different even though they achieve very similar outcomes?

If you have seen an osteopath before, chances are the next one you see may be a totally different experience and yet you will still walk out feeling a million bucks compared to when you walked in. Here’s a few reasons as to why this may be. Osteopathy is a mandatory five year university degree and graduates are all registered under a nationwide regulatory board called AHPRA (the same board that regulates doctors, nurses and chiropractors). This means that even though their individual approaches may look different, they are all conscious of complying to the strict scope of practice that governs the profession.

During the five years at university, in addition to learning anatomy, physiology, neurology as well a plethora of other health subjects, a big emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles that osteopathy was built upon:

  1. The body is a unit

  2. The body’s structure and function are interrelated

  3. The body has its own self healing and self regulatory mechanisms

These principles steer the practitioner during a treatment. The techniques applied may look different from one osteopath to the next as we have been taught treatment principles rather than just techniques. This means that when it comes to apply treatment we have a toolbox overflowing with options rather that being pigeon-holed into a choosing from a select few. The benefits of options means that each treatment is tailored specifically to the individual patient and there is never a play-by-play list or one size fits all approach taken.

Within the Be Well Health Group, you will find that we all treat slightly differently but with an underlying commonality.

  • We will always spend the time required to achieve the best patient outcomes.

  • You will find we are always there to listen to you. How else will we get to the bottom of your complaint?

  • Finding the injury or dysfunction is easy; we will always strive to find the health that remains and amplify it.

  • We always work from a place of intellect and education but never ignore intuition.

  • Your comfort is our priority.

  • You will find that above all, we are human. Never be afraid to ask us what we are doing or why. It’s your treatment!